CLIMEX Climate Data
CLIMEX Versions 2 and 3 utilise a set of loc and met files to exchange location and meteorology files (Sutherst et al. 2007). The met files contain site climate data for daily minimum temperature (Tmin), daily maximum temperature (Tmax), monthly precipitation (Rainfall), and relative humidity at 9 o’clock (RH 0900) and relative humidity at 15 o’clock (RH 1500). For use in the programme, the MetManager files (.mm extension) need to be saved onto the local harddrive, preferably in a CliMond_x subdirectory under the metdata directory (where x refers to the version). Within each CLIMEX model, a metdata selection needs to be created within CLIMEX by browsing to the dataset, selecting a metdata selection and then giving it an appropriate name. We have created selections for each continent and for the whole world. The MetManager files also include additional information about run sequences, which define subsets of the data for use in any particular run. The MetManager format files are very large by comparison with the ASCII .loc and .met files. However, to use the ASCII .loc and .met files, they first need to be imported into the ACCESS MetManager database, converting them into .mm files, and then creating selections which define subsets of the data.
Download CLIMEX climate data
CLIMEX format climate data files are available in Location (.loc), Meteorology (.met), and combined MetManager (.mm) files at 10' and 30' resolution.
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