The Bioclim registry
Bioclim variables have become a core component of the species distribution modelling tool kit. This Bioclim registry represents an agreement with ANUCLIM, the previous de facto record of variables (Hutchinson et al. 2009), to have a single online reference point for the Bioclim variables. Referring to each variable by its Bio number has proven popular in the literature, and if the number of Bio variables is to increase, a suitable repository is needed to record and describe these variables.
Bioclim variables include the core set of 19 variables (temperature and precipitation), an extended set of 16 additional variables (solar radiation and soil moisture), and a growing list of new Bioclim variables at a global extent. We encourage researchers to identify additional Bioclimatic covariates to extend the suite further. We suggest that good candidate variables are 1) global in nature, and 2) will be useful to a broad range of modellers. A protocol for the proposal of new variables is outlined in the
FAQ below.
Download Bioclim data
Bioclim variables for Bio01 to Bio40, based on the CliMond climate data, are available in ASCII or ESRI grid format. Most ecological modelling and GIS software that utilises the Bioclim variables can import at least one of these two formats.
*: You must be
registered and
logged in first.
Detailed information on the Bioclim variables
The first 19 Bioclim variables (Bio01 to Bio19) are the "core variables" because they require only temperature and precipitation data for their calculation.
The next 16 Bioclim variables require data on solar radiation (Bio20-27), and soil moisture (Bio28-35; Hutchinson et al. 2009). Data on solar radiation and atmospheric moisture content (relative humidity or vapour pressure) are frequently unavailable in many climatologies, and the data processing required to calculate the soil moisture variables is significantly more involved than the calculation of the core Bioclim variables.
Bio36 to Bio40 represent the first five principal components of the first 35 Bioclim variables in the CliMond 1975H dataset (Kriticos et al. 2014). These capture more than 90% of the variance in the full dataset. They are best suited to studies describing the current distribution of a species or other taxon, particularly when little is known about the species that could inform the selection of suitable modelling covariates. These variables are unsuited to work involving climate change analyses. They are also scale invariant, meaning that if you run the analysis on a subset of the climate data, the results for the subset area will differ from the result derived using the whole dataset.
A description of the Bioclim variables and the climate variables used in their calculation is detailed below (
Table 1).
Frequently asked questions
How do I propose and prepare a new Bioclim variable and add it to the registry?
The process is as follows:
1. Firstly consider whether it is really suitable. Is it global in extent, and is it likely to be useful to a wide range of modellers?
2. Contact us and suggest the variable. We will discuss the criteria above with you, and if we all agree that it is a suitable candidate, a provisional Bioclim variable number will be assigned.
3. You publish a paper in a peer-reviewed journal demonstrating an application of the new variables and describing their derivation.
4. When accepted for publication, we add the variable to the register, formalise their Bioclim number assignment and cite your publication.
How do I cite a Bioclim variable downloaded from the CliMond registry?
We suggest you consider the content of the following wording for inspiration:
Bioclim variables were downloaded from the CliMond Archive (VX.X; Kriticos et al. 2012) and the following variables were chosen: BioA, BioB, BioC (Hutchinson et al. 2009, Kriticos et al. 2014).
• Hutchinson M., Xu T., Houlder D., Nix H. & McMahon J. (2009). ANUCLIM 6.0 User’s Guide. Australian National University, Fenner School of Environment and Society.
• Kriticos D.J., Webber B.L., Leriche A., Ota N., Macadam I., Bathols J. & Scott J.K. (2012) CliMond: global high resolution historical and future scenario climate surfaces for bioclimatic modelling. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 3: 53-64.
• Kriticos D.J., Jarošik V. and Ota N. (2014) Extending the suite of Bioclim variables: a proposed registry system and case study using principal components analysis. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, Online Early, DOI: 10.1111/2041-210X.12244
Register of Bioclim variable definitions
This list can be expanded. Please
contact us to suggest new and useful variables to be added to the list.
Table 1 | Description of Bioclim variables and the contributing variables used in their calculation.
Variable Number
Minimum temp (°C)
Maximum temp (°C)
Rainfall (mm month-1)
Radiation (W m-2d-1)
Pan evaporation (mm d-1)
Ref. |
Annual mean temperature (°C)
1 |
Mean diurnal temperature range (mean(period max-min)) (°C)
1 |
Isothermality (Bio02 ÷ Bio07)
1 |
Temperature seasonality (C of V)
1 |
Max temperature of warmest week (°C)
1 |
Min temperature of coldest week (°C)
1 |
Temperature annual range (Bio05-Bio06) (°C)
1 |
Mean temperature of wettest quarter (°C)
1 |
Mean temperature of driest quarter (°C)
1 |
Mean temperature of warmest quarter (°C)
1 |
Mean temperature of coldest quarter (°C)
1 |
Annual precipitation (mm)
1 |
Precipitation of wettest week (mm)
1 |
Precipitation of driest week (mm)
1 |
Precipitation seasonality (C of V)
1 |
Precipitation of wettest quarter (mm)
1 |
Precipitation of driest quarter (mm)
1 |
Precipitation of warmest quarter (mm)
1 |
Precipitation of coldest quarter (mm)
1 |
Annual mean radiation (W m-2)
1 |
Highest weekly radiation (W m-2)
1 |
Lowest weekly radiation (W m-2
1 |
Radiation seasonality (C of V)
1 |
Radiation of wettest quarter (W m-2)
1 |
Radiation of driest quarter (W m-2)
1 |
Radiation of warmest quarter (W m-2)
1 |
Radiation of coldest quarter (W m-2)
1 |
Annual mean moisture index
1 |
Highest weekly moisture index
1 |
Lowest weekly moisture index
1 |
Moisture index seasonality (C of V)
1 |
Mean moisture index of wettest quarter
1 |
Mean moisture index of driest quarter
1 |
Mean moisture index of warmest quarter
1 |
Mean moisture index of coldest quarter
1 |
Bio36 |
First principal component of the first 35 Bioclim variables |
× |
× |
× |
× |
× |
2 |
Bio37 |
Second principal component of the first 35 Bioclim variables |
× |
× |
× |
× |
× |
2 |
Bio38 |
Third principal component of the first 35 Bioclim variables |
× |
× |
× |
× |
× |
2 |
Bio39 |
Fourth principal component of the first 35 Bioclim variables |
× |
× |
× |
× |
× |
2 |
Bio40 |
Fifth principal component of the first 35 Bioclim variables |
× |
× |
× |
× |
× |
2 |
N.B. Variables without units are dimensionless indices. Source: 1: Hutchinson et al. (2009); 2: Kriticos et al. (2014).